The SCHEDULE Table allows up to eight different specified time periods plus a default time
period to control the behavior of mailboxes and ports.
A time period coIlsists of the days of the week, start and stop times of the day, and any
The default period consists of all days and times not specified in the prior periods.
associated SCHEDULE Table. The SCHEDULE Table number is the same as
the COS number. For example, SCHEDULE Table 3 contains the
periods for COS 3.
Each time period (including the default) is
associated with an INFORMATION Table. For
example, time periods could consist of Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Monday
through Friday from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. The INFORMATION Table entered for the fust time period
may contain the attendant position and company greeting mailbox to use during the day. The
second time period may contain the guard position and company greeting to use during the night.