Meets or Exceeds
Your Specifications
Standard Specifications
Voltage Class 460V
Maximum HP 60 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800
Drive Rating (A) 77 96 124 156 190 240 302 370 480 628 753 879 1004
Dimensions 100”H x 30”W x 24”D 100”H x 42”W x 24”D Consult Factory
Power Requirements
Output Frequency 0 – 400 Hz
Main Circuit Three Phase 460V input auto-transformer 18 pulse design with circuit breaker, IGBT output.
Control Power DC bus control power
Tolerance Voltage: ±10% Frequency: ±2%
Control Specifications
Control Method Sine Wave PWM System – Flux Field Current Vector Control
V/Hz Control Constant Torque, Variable Torque, Open Loop Vector, Auto or Manual Torque Boost, 5 point V/Hz custom curves
Overload Rating 120% for 60 seconds, 100% continuous
Frequency Setting Encoder Potentiometer integrated into EOI, 0-10V, ±10V, 4-20mA, Binary Input, Motorized Potentiometer Input
Frequency Precision Analog Input: ±0.2% of maximum output frequency. Digital Input: ±0.01% of maximum output frequency
Frequency Resolution 0.01 Hz – Operation Panel. 0.1 Hz – Analog Input. 10-12 bit A-D converter
Acceleration / Deceleration 0.1~6000 seconds
Speed Regulation Up to 0.1%, 60:1 speed range
Torque Regulation 10%; less than 3% ripple from 50 to 100% range
Set Point Control (PID)
Proportional Gain, Integral Gain, Feedback Settings Upper/Lower Deviation Limits, Feedback Source Delay Filter, Feedback
Settings Differential Gain
Analog Inputs Four programmable: (1) 4-20mA, (1) 0-10V, (1) -10 to +10V, (1) 1 to 10kOHM potentiometer connection
Analog Outputs Two programmable to 31 functions
Digital Inputs Eight programmable to 67 functions
Output Contacts Three output terminals, programmable to 52 functions. Form C contacts rated 250V AC, 2 amps inductive
Signal Isolation Available (3) channel signal isolation for AM/FM outputs and II terminal input, rated at 750V
Control Board
Communication Ports
RS232 / 485 and TTL ports standard
Data Transmission Profibus, Devicenet, Modbus RTU, Modbus+, Metysys, TCP/IP Ethernet. (Some devices are external)
Main Protective
Current limit, overcurrent, overvoltage, undervoltage, overtorque, load side short circuit, load side ground fault, heatsink
overheat, ASD overload, motor overload, armature short, CPU error, open output phase, communications error, loss of feedback
Soft Stall Automatic load reduction control during overload
Retry Can automatically clear fault upon trip. Programmable to 10 tries, with up to 10 seconds between tries.
Restart Restart into a rotating motor
LCD EOI (Liquid Crystal
Display / Electronic
Operator Interface)
4 lines x 20 characters. Backlit LCD Display. Ability to display multiple parameters on one screen. Keypad may be operated from
an external power source. Software is flash upgradeable. Includes multi-function rotary encoder.
LED Indicators Run (Red) / Stop (Green), Remote / Local (Green), DC bus charge indication (red)
Keys Local /Remote, Monitor / Program, Run, Enter, ESC, Stop / Reset, Up, Down
Monitoring Main display shows two monitored items continuously, or scrolls up to 40 items.
Selectable Display Units
User selectable and configurable, along with scaling factor multiplier. Voltage display selectable: Amps or %,
Current display selectable: Amps or %.
EOI Communication Ports RS232 / 485 and TTL ports standard
Remote Mount Display Remote mountable up to 1000ʼ
Enclosure NEMA 1, IP20, Gasketed and Filtered
Panel Construction Free standing, front maintenance type, top or bottom access for motor and power cables
Cooling Forced air cooled. Top-mounted fans may be removed for movement during shipment or installation.
Color ANSI-61 Gray
Ambient Conditions
Ambient Temperature 0 - 40°C, 32 - 104°F
Humidity Max. 95% (non-condensing)
Altitude 1000 m (3300 ft) above sea level or less
Installation Indoor, no direct sunlight, protect for corrosive gases, explosive gases
Electrical Performance NEC, ANSI
W7 Specifications