Choose the menu ACL→Policy Config→Policy Summary to load the following page.
Figure 10-6 Policy Summary
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
¾ Search Option
Select Policy: Select name of the desired policy for view. If you want to delete the
desired policy, please click the Delete button.
¾ Action Table
Select: Select the desired entry to delete the corresponding policy.
Index: Displays the index of the policy.
ACL ID: Displays the ID of the ACL contained in the policy.
10.2.2 Policy Create
On this page you can create the policy.
Choose the menu ACL→Policy Config→Policy Create to load the following page.
Figure 10-7 Create Policy
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
¾ Create Policy
Policy Name: Enter the name of the policy.
10.2.3 Action Create
On this page you can add ACLs for the policy.
Choose the menu ACL→Policy Config→Action Create to load the following page.