After-run Procedure
You must perform after-run maintenance on your Traxxas engine
whenever the model will be stored for longer than a few hours. Taking
the time to prepare your engine for storage will reward you with
longer engine life, easier starting, and better performance.
When a nitro engine is shut off, some excess unburned fuel remains in
the engine. The methanol in model engine fuel is hygroscopic, which
means it easily attracts and absorbs moisture. This moisture can cause
rust and corrosion on the steel engine parts (crankshaft, bearings,
wrist pin, and starter shaft) if the fuel is not removed from the engine.
There are after-run oil products available from your hobby dealer or
you can use WD-40,
a common household lubricant. To ensure your
TRX 2.5 engine is protected from internal corrosion, use the following
1. Whenever possible, shut off the engine by pinching the fuel line
closed. This allows most of the excess fuel to be consumed by
the engine. Be sure the throttle is in the idle position. You may
have to pinch the fuel line closed for several seconds before the
engine stops.
2. Completely empty the fuel tank. Use your fuel-dispensing bottle to
suck out the old fuel. Do not mix the old fuel with your fresh fuel
supply. If you leave fuel in the tank, transporting or handling your
Nitro Rustler may cause fuel to run into the engine.
3. With the fuel tank empty and the throttle at the idle position, try
to start the engine. The engine will most likely start and run for
a few seconds as it uses up any fuel remaining in the engine and
fuel lines.
4. Once the engine stops, clean the outside of the engine with
compressed air or spray motor cleaner. Once the engine is
clean and dry, remove the glow plug power wire, glow plug,
and air filter.
5. Open the throttle fully and spray a one-second burst of WD-40 into
the carburetor and into the glow plug hole (Caution! Wear safety
glasses to prevent spray from getting into your eyes). If you are
using after-run oil, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
6. Place a rag or paper towel over the engine to catch any WD-40
or after-run oil that may come out of the carburetor or glow plug
7. Connect the EZ-Start controller to the model and spin the engine
for 10 seconds.
8. Remove the rag or paper towel and repeat steps 5–7 two
more times.
9. Clean and re-oil the air filter so it will be ready for use next time.
See page 19 for air filter maintenance instructions.
10. Replace the glow plug, reconnect the glow plug power wire, and
reinstall the air filter.
Centering the Servos
Whenever your radio system has been removed for service or cleaning,
the servos must be re-centered prior to installing the radio system in
the model. If the radio system is installed in the truck, disconnect the
servo horns from the servos.
1. Connect the steering servo to channel 1 on your receiver and the
throttle servo to channel 2. The black wire on each servo cable is
positioned towards the outside edge of the receiver. Connect the
red and black cable from the battery holder to the “batt” terminal on
the receiver. The red wire is positive and the black wire is negative.
2. Place fresh “AA” batteries in the transmitter and turn the power
switch on.
3. Turn the Steering Trim knob to the center position.
4. Now install fresh “AA” batteries into the battery holder and turn the
power switch to the on position. The servos will automatically jump
to their center positions.
5. Turn off the battery holder switch followed by the transmitter. The
servos are now ready to be installed. Be careful not to move the
servo shaft when reinstalling the servo horns.
Be sure to follow proper
maintenance and storage
procedures to avoid damage
to your engine and other
components of your
Nitro Rustler.
Denatured alcohol (available
from home centers and
paint supply stores) in a
spray bottle is an extremely
effective cleaner. Be sure
to wear safety glasses and
gloves when working with
denatured alcohol.
Don’t put the fuel from your
tank back into your fuel
jug. Dispose of it properly,
following city or county
Always wear eye protection
when using compressed air or
spray cleaners and lubricants.
Do not store your model
indoors with fuel remaining
in the tank or the engine.