Your model does much more than simulate the look of a full-size
Funny Car; it also simulates its performance. In drag racing, a
Funny Car competitor will first warm up the tires by performing a
Burnout. The driver will spin the rear tires, heating them until they
smoke, to warm and soften the rubber for maximum grip. Once the
car is Staged (properly positioned on the starting line), the driver
will engage a Launch Control system that allows the engine to
be revved up and held to the RPM the driver wants for the start of
the race. When the race begins, the driver disengages the Launch
Control to instantly launch the car down the track, and uses the
throttle pedal to modulate power and stay on the edge of traction.
Your model features Burnout, Staging, and Race modes, plus an
electronic Launch Control, that allow you to race in exactly the
same way.
Burnout, Staging, and Race Modes
The three-position switch on top of the TQi transmitter controls
the three power modes: Burnout, Staging, and Race.
Burnout Mode: Out of the box, the switch should be
in the rearmost position, which is Burnout Mode. In
this mode, there is no torque limiting. Use this mode
to perform a burnout to warm the tires before a run
(see “Warming the Tires for Maximum Traction”). Burnout Mode
can also be used for general driving and for racing. Burnout
Mode can be used with the Launch Control system (see “Using
Launch Control”)
Staging Mode (patents pending): Move the switch to the
middle position to access Staging Mode. This mode
provides very fine low-speed control so you may easily
stage the car when racing with the DTS-1 staging
system and starting tree, or when simply using a starting line
drawn on the pavement. When in staging mode, pulling the trigger
approximately half way will cause the speed control to move the
car in very small increments by rotating the motor’s output shaft
just 1/8 of a turn at a time. The car will “click” toward the starting
line. As you pull the trigger closer to the grip, the car will “click”
toward the line faster, until it achieves a steady crawl. You can
move the car one “click” at a time by tapping the throttle trigger.
The Staging Mode also works in reverse, in case you pull the car
too far forward while staging. Staging Mode will operate with or
without Launch Control engaged. Note: Do not drive the model in
Staging Mode for extended periods or overheating may result.
Race Mode: Move the switch to the forward position to
access Race Mode. This mode enables the transmitter’s
Multi-Function Knob to control the motor’s torque.
If the Multi-function Knob is turned fully clockwise,
torque will not be limited and the model will put the maximum
torque to the ground. As the Multi-Function Knob is turned
counterclockwise, the torque-limiting effect is increased and the
model will put less torque to the ground. Race Mode can be used in
conjunction with Launch Control.
Using Launch Control
(patents pending)
In full-size drag cars, a launch control system
allows the driver to rev the engine to the RPM
best for launching the car, and hold the RPM
without moving the car until the lights go green.
The model’s electronic launch control system
allows a similar technique.
Set the Launch Control switch so the top half of the switch is
depressed. Launch Control is now engaged, and you can operate
the throttle trigger without causing the model to move. Hold the
trigger to full throttle with the model in Race Mode. When you’re
ready to launch the car, depress the lower half of the Launch
Control switch. The transmitter will automatically apply full throttle
with the torque limit you’ve selected using the Multi-Function
Knob. Proportional throttle control is not affected. If you experience
wheel spin, you can reduce throttle input by adjusting the trigger
position. Note: Launch Control must be engaged while in Stage
Mode for it to function properly when used in Burnout or Race
Mode. Engaging Launch Control after switching to Burnout or Race
mode will not affect throttle or braking.
Warming the Tires for Maximum Traction
Just like a full-size Funny Car, the model’s traction can be enhanced
by doing a “burnout” to warm the tires. To do a burnout, hold
the wheelie bar as you apply the throttle so the tires spin on the
pavement. Do not press the tires to the pavement, simply restrain
the car from moving forward. A burnout should last 5 seconds or
less. It is normal to smell warm rubber when performing a burnout,
but the tires will not smoke. Run the car after the burnout to check
available traction, and repeat the burnout if necessary to achieve
the desired level of traction. Avoid consecutive burnouts without
running or resting the vehicle between burnouts, or you may
overheat the speed control.
Do Not Operate your
model in Wet Conditions
Your new Traxxas model
features a waterproof
steering servo, but the
electronic speed control,
motor, receiver box,
receiver, and the model
itself are not waterproof
or water-resistant. Do not
operate the model in wet
conditions, including wet
pavement. Do not run the
model through puddles.
Operating this model on
wet surfaces will reduce
control and may damage
the electronics, resulting in
loss of control.