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System Requirements
?? One free COM port on PC.
?? A pin-to-pin RS-232 cable. One end is 9 pin male connector, the other end is 9 or 25 pin
female connector depends on the COM port.
?? FWLOAD.EXE : This is an auxiliary program for firmware upload.
?? FIRMWARE.BIN : This is a firmware image file.
?? LOAD.EXE: This is the main program.
The above three files MUST reside in the same subdirectory.
For better disk access speed, it is recommended that you copy these two files to your hard
disk before uploading them to the product.
Before Upgrade
Close all other Windows programs and power off this device.
Performing Firmware Upgrade
1. Connect the RS-232 cable from the Console port of the device to the PC’s COM port.
2. Create a temporary folder in your system (e.g. NewFirmware.). Copy the downloaded
firmware file (should be a compressed file, e.g. FW3_20.EXE) to this temporary folder.
Decompress the file to any desired folder.
3. Open the folder with the new firmware and double-click LOAD.EXE.
Figure 21
4. Select the COM port that is connected to the device and click the Start button.