router. When trying to reach a particular destination, computers on your network will select the best
route, ignoring unreachable routes.
Specifies the interface -- LAN or WAN -- that the IP packet must use to transit out of the router, when
this route is used.
Re-initialize this area of the screen, discarding any changes you have made.
Routes List
The section shows the current routing table entries. Certain required routes are predefined and cannot
be changed. Routes that you add can be changed by clicking the Edit icon or can be deleted by
clicking the Delete icon. When you click the Edit icon, the item is highlighted, and the "Edit Route"
section is activated for editing. Click the Enable checkbox at the left to directly activate or de-activate
the entry.
By default, the Access Control feature is disabled. If you need Access Control, check this option.
Note: When Access Control is disabled, every device on the LAN has unrestricted access to the
Internet. However, if you enable Access Control, Internet access is restricted for those devices that
have an Access Control Policy configured for them. All other devices have unrestricted access to the