4. Type “tftp < Print server‘s IP address>”
For example: tftp
At the tftp prompt, type “get config.txt” to get the Print Server‘s configuration file.
For example: tftp > get config.txt
5. Quit from tftp, and then use your editor to modify the “05 BoxIPAddress” field in the
config.txt file from to the IP address you specify in Step 2.
6. (Optional) Modify the "06 Gateway" field from to your gateway's IP address.
7. (Optional) Modify the "07 SubnetMask" field from to the subnet mask.
8. When done, save the new config.txt.
9. Type “tftp < Print server‘s IP address>”
At the tftp prompt, type “put config.txt” to save the new configuration file back to the Print
For example:
tftp > put config.txt
10. Type “lpsystem -tbsd <Print server‘s IP address>”
For example:
lpsystem -tbsd
Note: You can add the host name associated with the IP address in the /etc/hosts file. If you
have done this, please use the host name instead of the IP address.
11. Type “lpadmin –pprinter-1 -s <Print server‘s IP address>”
, where printer-1 represents the Print Server’s parallel port. You can enter a printer name
you like.
For example: lpadmin –pprinter-1 -s192.72.214.103
12. Type “accept printer-1” For example: accept printer-1
13. Type “enable printer-1” For example: enable printer-1
14. Submit print jobs by “ lpr ” command. For example: lpr -Pprinter-1 /etc/hosts
IBM AIX 4.xx
1. Login root.
2. (Optional) Edit the /etc/hosts file. Add a line of the Print Server's host name and its
associated IP address.
Note: Before this step, please make sure you have follow the directions on page 80 to
manually assign an IP address to the Print Server.
3. Under the prompt sign, type smit and press Enter.