TV-IP600/W Wireless Network Camera
• WEP Key Format: If enabling WEP Encryption you should decide whether to use an ASCII
or HEX format for your WEP Key. Use the radio buttons to choose an ASCII or HEX format
for your WEP key and type the WEP keys used in the Key 1 ~ 4 fields.
ASCII input format:
ASCII format causes each character you type to be intercepted as an eight-bit value. All
unaccented upper and lower-case Western European characters that can be inputted
through your keyboard’s typing zone are valid. To setup a 64-bit WEP key, input 5 ASCII
characters, e.g., ‘12345’. To setup a 128-bit WEP key, input 13 ASCII characters, e.g.
‘1234567890123’. These character counts result in bit counts of 40 and 104 respectively;
the camera will automatically pad your input to a bit count of 64 or 128.
HEX input format:
HEX format causes each pair of characters you type to be interpreted as an eight-bit
value in hexadecimal (base 16) notation. Only digits 0 through to 9 and the letters A
through to F (in upper or lower case) are valid. To setup a 64-bit WEP key, input 10 HEX
format. For example, ‘31323334353637383930313233’, which is the same as ASCII
input ‘1234567890123’. These character counts result in bit counts of 40 and 104,
respectively; the camera will automatically pad your input to a bit count of 64 or 128.
• Encrypt Data Transmissions Using: Use the drop-down menu to decide if you want to
use Key 1, 2, 3 or 4 for encryption.
• Authentication Type: Click a radio button to specify the Authentication Type used with
WEP Encryption. Open System communicates the key across the network. Shared Key
allows communication only with other devices with identical WEP settings. The default
setting is Both.
• WPA-PSK / WPA-PSK2: Click the radio button to enable WPA-PSK / WPA-PSK2
encryption for the Wireless connection. This encryption mode is designed for home and
small business users to secure their wireless connection without using network
authentication servers. In order to use this mode the user will need to type the WPA-PSK/
WPS-PSK2 password of their Wireless LAN in the Preshared key field.