Symbol rate:
The symbol rate describes the number of data
transmitted per second, e.g. 27000 (27000 sym-
bols per second). Enter the corresponding symbol
rate by means of the numeric keys.
When you have completed all enterings, you start
searching by marking up the line start search in
red colour and confirm by pressing the OK-but-
ton. Please also note the screen insertions.
Search > Program
If a program cannot be found by means of the
search method described above, it may be nec-
essary that for this program a program-specific
service-ID-number is entered. In that case call up
the menu > Search > program. The menu differs
from the menu transponder alone by the sub-
menu Service ID.
Proceed as described in > Search > Transponder,
fill in the Service-ID-No. by means of the
numeric keys.