_ ARNING: Before
operatingyour machine,
carefully readand understand
all safety (Section1),controls
(Section 3) andoperating
instructions (Section4) inthis
Manual,the separateEngine
Owner's Manual,and onthe
decalson the machine.
Failureto follow these
instructions can result in
serious personalinjury.
Readthis OperationSection andthe sepa-
rate EngineOwner'sManualbeforeyou
start the engine.Then,take thetime to fa-
miliarize yourself with the basic operation
of thetiller before usingit in the garden.
Findan open,levelareaand practice using
the tiller controls without thetines engag-
ing the soil (put tines in "travel" setting).
Onlyafter you've becomecompletelyfa-
miliar with thetiller shouldyou beginusing
it in the garden.
Perform the following maintenanceafter
the first two (2) hours of new operation
(see MaintenanceSection inthis manual
and in the Engine Owner'sManual).
1. Changeengine oil.
2. Checkfor looseor missinghardwareon
unit. Tighten or replaceas needed.
3. Checktension on forward drive belt.
4. Checktransmission gear oil level.
With the spark plugwire disconnected
from the sparkplug, perform the following
checksand services beforeeachuse:
1. Readthe Safetyand Controls Sections
in this manual. Readthe separateEngine
Owner's Manualprovidedwith the unit.
2. Putthe wheels inthe WHEELDRIVEpo-
sition (wheel pins must be through holes
in wheelhubs and wheelshaft).
3. Checkunit for loose or missing hard-
ware. Serviceas required.
4. Checkengineoil level.SeeEngineOwn-
er's Manual.
Fig. 4-1
5. Checkthat all safety guards andcovers
are in place.
6. Checkair cleanerand engine cooling
system. SeeEngineOwner's Manual.
Followgasolinesafety rulesin
this Manual(seeSection 1)and
in theseparateEngineOwner's
Failureto follow gasolinesafety
instructions can result in
serious personalinjury and
property damage.
7. Fillthefueltank with gasolineaccording
to the directions inthe separate Engine
Owner's Manual.Follow all instructions
and safety rules carefully.
8. Attachspark plug wire to spark plug.
Startingthe Engine
Thefollowing steps describe how to start
and stop the engine.
,_ WARNING: Donotattempt
to engagethetines or wheels
until you havereadall ofthe
operatinginstructions in this
Section.Also, reviewthe safety
rules in Section 1:Safety,and
the tiller and enginecontrols
information in Section3:
Featuresand Controls.
1. Completethe Pre-StartChecklistonthis
2. Putthe wheels inthe WHEELDRIVEpo-
sition (seeWheelDrivePinsin Section3 of
this manual).
,_ WARNING: Tohelp
preventserious personalinjury
or damageto equipment:
• Before starting engine, put both
wheels in the WHEELDRIVEposition.
Never havewheels in FREEWHEELpo-
sition when engine is running. When
thewheels arein FREEWHEEL,theydo
not hold backthe tiller and the tines
couldpropelthetiller rapidly
forwardor backward.
• Before starting engine, put Forward
Clutch Bail (all models) and Reverse
Clutch Control (Model 634A only) in
neutral (disengaged) positionsby re-
• Never run engine indoors or in en-
closed,poorlyventilatedareas. Engine
• Avoidenginemufflerandnearbyareas.
Temperaturesin these areas may ex-
ceed 150° F.
3. Movethe Depth RegulatorLeverall the
way down to the "travel" position, sothat
thetines clearthe ground.
4. Releaseall controls on the tiller.
5. Onengine's with a fuel shut-off valve,
turn valve to openposition, asinstructed
in the separateEngine Owner'sManual.
6. Put ignition switch and/or throttle con-
trol leverlocated on engine inthe "ON",
"RUN", "FAST"or "START"position, asin-
structed in the EngineOwner's Manual.
7. Chokeor prime engine,as instructed in
EngineOwner's Manual.
8. Put one handon fueltank to stabilize
unitwhen pulling starterrope handle.Then
userecoilstarter to start engine,as in-
structed in the EngineOwner's Manual.
Whenenginestarts, graduallymove choke
lever (if so equipped) to "NO CHOKE",
"CHOKEOFF"or "RUN" position.
9. Usethe "FAST"throttle speedsetting