WARNING: Beforeinspecting,cleaningor servicingthe machine,shut off engine,wait for all
moving partsto come to a completestop, disconnectspark plugwireand move wireawayfrom
spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions can result in serious personalinjury or property
b Unthreadthe hexnut IC, Figure5-4)
halfway upthe adjustment screw (D_.
c. Unhookthe top of the spring from
the Forward ClutchBail.
d. Usepliersto preventtheadjuster _B_
from turning and turn the slotted screwlo-
cated insidethe spring clockwise _viewed
from operator'spositiom to increaseten-
sion on the spring. Turnthe screw coun-
terclockwise to decreasetension. Once
adjusted,reattachthe spring to the For-
ward Clutch Ba_L
e. RepeatSteps2and3to re-measure
thelengthofthespring. Whenthe second
measurementis between1/16"-to- 3/16"
longerthanthefirst measurement,retighten
Figure5-3: Installtinessothatcuttingedgenftinesentersoilfirstwhentillermovesforward,
It is importantto maintain correct tension
on the forward drive belt. A loose beltwill
causethetinesandwheelsto slowdown--
or stop completeiyi eventhough the en-
gine _srunning atfull speed. A too tight
belt canresult in unintentional tine move-
ment whenthe clutch _ailis in the Neutral
• Checkbelttension after the first two
hoursof break-inoperationandafter every
10operating hours.
• At the end of eachtilling season,check
the beltfor cracks,cuts or frayed edges
and replaceit assoon as possible.
1. Stop engine,wait for all partsto stop
mowng anddisconnect spark plug wire
2. With the ForwardClutchBailinan open
(releasedl pos_t_on,measureand notethe
overalllengthofthecablespring (A,Figure
5-4) bymeasuringfrom the outermost coil
to the outermost coil.
3. Squeezethe ForwardClutch Ba
againstthe handlebar(seeFigure5-4)and
ReplacementBelt Information
If the drive belt needsto be replaced,see
belttension is correct if this secondmea- your localauthorized dealeror referto the
suremenl is between1/6"-to- 3/16"longer Parts List for ordering information. Use
than the first measurement, only afactory-authorized beltasan "over-
4. If the spring Lstoo short tless than 1/ the-counter" belt may not perform satis-
16'3.thetension is too loose. If the spring factorily. The procedurerequiresaverage
is too long _morethan 3/16"_.the tension mechanicalability andcommonly available
is too tight.
5. Toadjust the length of the spring:
a. Releasethe Forward ClutchBail.
Figure5-4: Tocheckforwardbelttension,taketwomeasurementsofthe
overalllengthofthecoilsin thespring-- first withtheclutchbail open,
thenwith theclutchbail closedagainstthehandlebar.
re-measurethe length of the coils. The