
The Voltair is designed/manufactured with the solenoid activating the pressure switch. By default, when the pressure switch
is in the on position, the Voltair will run whether the vehicle ignition is on or off. If your system would drop below 125 PSI,
the compressor would kick on and run until the pressure reached 150- regardless of whether or not you are in the vehicle or
not. To avoid this, Voltair, Inc. recommends installing a remote toggle switch and powering this switch with a keyed ignition
power source. This way, the 12-Voltair will only run if both this switch and ignition are in the on position.
To turn the 12-Voltair on and off from a convenient location (i.e.- inside your vehicle) follow the steps below
 Run an 18 gauge wire from the bottom of the vehicle up through one of the three holes of the 12-
 Remove the wire from the left side of the solenoid (the same terminal that the wire from the vehicle
is hooked to) and connect to the wire you just pulled up.
 Run the other end of the 18 gauge wire to the location (wherever you see t to put the toggle switch)
of the toggle switch and connect to one of the terminals.
 Run a wire from the other terminal of the toggle switch to a 12-volt power source. Preferably a power
source that only has power when the keyed ignition is in the on position. Consult your automobile manufacture to
assist you in locating a 12 VDC power source, that only has power when the ignition is in the ‘on’ position.
One way to protect against the positive wire shorting is installing a circuit breaker. Voltair recommends
a 150 amp circuit breaker. AW Direct is just one dealer who can be reached at (800) 243-3194 Part
#SCB-150. This is a device that is mounted right next to your battery that will trip in the event that
you have a wire that would short out.
“Air Wh ere And Whe n You Need It!”
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