UNIDEN has combined superb workmanship and modern styling with the very la-
test state-of-art circuitry to bring you the new AX 144 Citizens Band Transceiver.
It has been especially designed to give you maximum performance and reliability.
YourAX 144 is completely factory aligned and quality assurance tested.
To obtain the maximum benefit and pleasure from your AX 144 please read very
carefully the contents of this manual before attempting to install or operate the
. ALL SOLID STATE: IC and Transistorized construction, with Iowcurrent drain,
for a long, trouble-free life.
. FULL 40-CHANNEL OPERATION: PLL frequency, synthesizer circuitry allows
transmission and reception on all 40-channels on AM, USB and LSBwithout the
purchase of any additional crystals.
. LARGE LED CHANNELDISPLAY: Channel number isdisplayed by use of LED
(lightemitting diode) display for ease of channel selection.
. CLEAN SIGNAL: Transmitter audio processing circuitry produces a clean signal
with maximum legalmodulation, for best range.
. QUIET RECEPTION: Effective squelch and automatic noise limiter and an RF
noise blanker for superior quieting.
. EFFECTIVE AGC: Receiveramplified automatic gaincontrol (AGC) reduces the
effect of differences in received signal strengths. No distracting "blasting" and
"fading" of signals.
. AN EFFICIENT TRANSMITTER:Provides maximum legal output power to the
. PUBLICADDRESSFUNCTION:Usefulfor pagingand announcements.
. TRI-COLOR LED MODE INDICATOR: Green for AM mode, Yellow for USB
mode and Red for LSB mode.
. EMERGENCY CH 9 SWITCH: This switch enebles you to select emergency
channel (CH9) regardlessof the channel selector switch setting.