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4. H/L (HI/LO)-This key is used to switch between HI (25 Watts) where
allowed, or La (1 Watt) output power and in conjunction with the F/C
and GRP keys to access the Public Address and USCG Channel
.Press H/L to switch between HI and La output power.
.Press F/C, then Press H/L to access the Public Address
.Press GRP, then Press H/L to access USCG Channel Mode.
5. SCN (Scan) - This key is used to control scanning and in conjunction
with the F/C and GRP keys to switch between US and International
and Telephone Channel Modes.
. Press SCN to scan Communication Channels.
. Press F/C, then Press SCN to switch between US and Interna-
tional Channel Modes.
. Press GRP, then Press SCN to access Telephone Channel
6. C16 (Channel 16) - This key is used to access instant Channel 16
communications and in conjunction with the F/C and GRP keys to
access Dual Watch and Fish Channel Modes.
. Press C16 to access instant Channel 16 communications.
. Press FIC, then Press C16 to tu rn Dual Watch On/Off.
. Press GRP, then Press C16 to access Fish Channel Mode.