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3.4 Upload/Download by ESC Command
The way to make file upload/download by Kermit server described in
section 3.2 will need the operator to set the PDT to Kermit server mode
by invoking user command “3.COM” in User mode or calling system
function in application program.
The hardware and software of PDT is designed that the unit can be waken
up (turned on) by input from serial port. Besides the previous method to
upload/download file, the PDT can also be instructed to process the data
communication by remote ESC commands through built-in MULTI
communication protocol.(please refer to PT600 Technical Binder for
detail information)
After linking the PDT to a PC/host through RS232 interface a
communication program running on host first sends a few of dummy
bytes to the PDT and delay for about 500 mini-second to remote wake up
the unit if it is off. Then the program can send out a data pack of a remote
ESC command that matches the MULTI protocol to the PDT and instruct
the terminal for certain process.
For instance, the terminal will automatically execute the system routine to
upload a file after receiving the valid “File upload” ESC command.
Meanwhile the program running on the host should follow the control
flow of MULTI protocol and process to receive the data.
For detailed description of each ESC command and protocol, please see
the PT600 Programming Reference Manual.