Model 5100-02-IT Combustible Gas Sensor Module
Page: 37
Once in the SETUP menu use the ▲ or ▼ keys to access each of the 5 main sections of the SETUP menu.
▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼
| | | | |
|- Alarms: |- Relays: |- GasFactr: |- 4-20mA: |- RS-485
E – Alarms (Alarms Set-Point Adjustment)
| |
| E – H.Alarm (High Alarm Setup)
| |
| E --------------------------- OR---------------------------------------▼
| | |
| |- HASP: 60 (Current Hi Alarm set-point |- L. ALARM (Low Alarm Setup)
| | |
| ▲ or ▼ (To adjust to desired set-point) E LASP:20 (Current Lo Alarm Set-point)
| | |
| E – Ack (Accepts set-point) ▲ or ▼ (To adjust to desired set-point)
| |
| E – Ack (Accepts set-point)
|----▼ Relays (Relay Set Point Adjustment)
| |
| E ----------------------------- OR-----------------------------------------▼:
| | |
| |- H. Relay (High Relay Setup) |- L. Relay (Low Relay Setup)
| | |
| E – Latch E – Latch
| | |
| ▲ or ▼ (To adjust to desired condition) ▲ or ▼ (To adjust to desired condition)
| (Selections are Latch, NonLatc, or Senty)
| (* indicates current status, Sentry = Sentry controller controls alarm relay action)
|----▼ Gas Factr (Gas Factor Adjustment)
| |
| E *Factr100 (* = current selection)
| |
| ▲ or ▼ (To adjust to desired factor)
| If USER is selected use the ▲ or ▼ keys to change to desired value