To run a programmed recipe.
Enter the Program number.
After the ENTER key has been pushed, the data in step 1 will be displayed along with the program
After the last program step has been executed, the mixer will slow to minimum speed and shut off.
The mixer can be stopped at any time during a recipe by using the “PAUSE” button, the mixer will
slow to stop and the recipe will not be lost. To continue on with the same recipe, push “START”.
Fixed Mode
Fixed mode is basically designed for users who operate the same recipes over and over again with
out frequent updating.
The maximum numbers of programs available in fixed mode is reduced from 25 to 10.
Fixed mode is a purely executional mode, its not possible to adjust the speed or time while in this
The mixer will only run recipes that are programmed.
The advantage to this mode is that no one can “cheat” the programmed recipe.
The only applicable keys are START, STOP, PAUSE,BOWL LIFT, emergency stop and numeric