
- [3] REF Deviation
This parameter is used to align the REF Deviation.
Press [Enter] on “[3] REF Deviation” to align REF
Select the Channel “1“ in alignment range.
Adjust the AF generator output level to
388mVrms(–6dBm) at 100Hz to the pin 3 of the
Press the [Space] key on the keyboard to acti-
vate the transmitter.
Press the [UP] or [DWN] key, as needed, to set
the modulation wave as follows.
Press [Enter] to lock in the new data.
Select the Channel “2,“ and set the modulation
wave, same as Channel “1.“
- [4] CTCSS Deviation
This parameter is used to align the CTCSS deviation.
Press [Enter] on “[4] CTCSS Deviation” to align
CTCSS Deviation.
Select the Channel “1“ in alignment range.
Press the [Space] on the keyboard to activate the
transmitter, and injects a CTCSS test tone.
Press the [UP]/[DWN] key, as need, to set the
CTCSS Deviation (Wide) to the following speci-
Press [Enter] to lock in the new data.
Select the Channel “2,“ and set the CTCSS De-
viation (Narrow), same as Channel “1.“
CTCSS Deviation (Wide): 0.70 kHz (±0.1 kHz)
CTCSS Deviation (Narrow): 0.35 kHz (±0.1 kHz)
- [5] DCS Deviation
This parameter is used to align the DCS deviation.
Press [Enter] on “[5] DCS Deviation” to align
DCS Deviation.
Select the Channel “1“ in alignment range.
Press the [Space] key on the keyboard to acti-
vate the transmitter, and injects a DCS test tone.
Press the [UP] or [DWN] key, as needed, to set
the DCS deviation (Wide) to the following speci-
Press [Enter] to lock in the new data.
Select the Channel “2,“ and set the DCS devia-
tion (Narrow), same as Channel “1.“
DCS Deviation (Wide): 0.60 kHz (±0.1 kHz)
DCS Deviation (Narrow): 0.30 kHz (±0.1kHz)
The actual DCS deviation will increase around
20% based on the above alignment as follows,
Actual DCS Deviation (Wide): 0.70 kHz
Actual DCS Deviation (Narrow): 0.35 kHz
[1] Common RX
- [0] Tight NSQL
This parameter is used to align the noise level in squelch
Tight. It adjusts this alignment RX Tuning after ending.
Select the Channel “1“ (MID frequency channel)
in alignment range.
Set the SG output level to –2.5 dBµV, and obey
the message.
- [1] Threshold NSQL
This parameter is used to align the noise level in squelch
Threshold. It adjusts this alignment RX Tuning after end-
Select the Channel “1“ (MID frequency channel)
in alignment range.
Set the SG output level to –8.5 dBµV, and obey
the message.
- [2] RX Tune
This parameter is used to align RX Tune.
Select the Channel “1“ (MID frequency channel)
in alignment range.
Set the SG output level to –8.0 dBµV.
Pressing the [UP] or [DWN] key, Adjust the RX
Tune Level for best SINAD.