DSUB 15-pin Accessory Connector
Pin 1: AF IN
External Microphone Input. Nominal input level is 6
mV at 600-ohm.
Pin 2: AF OUT
Low-level receiver output. Peak signal level is 150 mV
at 600-ohm.
Pin 3: AF GND
Ground for all logic levels and power supply return.
Pin 4: DC OUT
Switched 13.6V output for supplying power to an ac-
Pin 5: RSSI
A DC voltage proportional to the strength of the sig-
nal currently being received (Receiver Signal Strength
Indicator) is provided on this pin. This low impedance
output is gererated by the receiver IF sub-system and
bufferd by an internal op-amp. Typical output voltages
are 1 V (@No Signal Input) through 2.0 V (@50 dB Sig-
nal Input).
Pin 6: EXT PTT
Shorting this port to ground causes the transceiver to
be placed in the Transmit mode, while opening the
connection to this port returns the transceiver to the
Receive mode. Opening voltage is 5 V, closed current
approx. 5 mA.
Pin 7: TRX
This port is intended for controlling an external TX/
RX switching circuit. When the transceiver is placed
in the the Receiver mode, this port is 5 V. When the
transceiver is placed in the the Transmit mode, this port
reduse to 0 V.
Pin 8: ING
The VX-4100/-4200 may be automatically be switched
to the STND-BY mode when the vehicle's ignition key
is turned on. Maximum current is 20 mA.
Pin 9 - 12: ACC1 - ACC4 (ACCESSORY POR T)
These output port features can be programmed via the
CE59 programmer. Each port is open collector output
which can sink approx. 30 mA when active.
Pin 13: Not Used
Pin 14: Not Used
Pin 15: GND
Chassis ground
ENGESBRA Distribuidor Autorizado Vertex Standard | www.radio-vertex.com.br | Tel.(11) 2983-1335
ENGESBRA Distribuidor Autorizado Vertex Standard | www.engesbra.com.br/vertex | Tel.(11) 2983-1335