
English NorthAmericanwarranty
Please include the following information:
Your name or a contact name
Full shipping address,including any department number(no P.O. Boxes, please)
Telephone number
E-mail address (optional)
Proof of purchase, if under warranty
Brief description of problem or repairs needed.
Please ship insured and via trackable means (i.e. UPS,
U.S. Certified Mail or
Registered Insured Mail). A shipping and handling fee of $10.00 is applied to all
timepieces sent for repair.
Purchased from Repair Coupon (see last page): To be detached and submitted
with timepieceonly when timepiece isreturned for repair coveredby the warranty.
As amember of theVictorinoxSwiss Army family,we wouldlike to inviteyou
to sign-up online at www.swissarmy.com to receive the latest news and
product information.
English USA Chrono VSA USA 30.9.2009 10:35 Page 30