33 ViewSonic N4200w
Setup menu
Item Description Operation
View Mode
To adjust the picture ratio
►or◄ to select
Sleep Timer
To select sleep timer
►or◄ to select 30 MIN, 60 MIN,
90MIN, 120 MIN, 150 MIN or
To select background color
when no input.
►or◄ to select ON or OFF.
To recover the original status
before shipping out the factory
Press► for setup.
OSD Language
To select the OSD language ►or◄ to select OSD language.
OSD Position
To select the OSD position on
the Display
►or◄ to select five kinds of
OSD position on the Display.
Adjust OSD’s transparency
► to increase the transparency
◄ to decrease the transparency.
OSD Timer Out
Adjust OSD show time. ►or◄ to select show time.
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