
For "slow" broiling, allow about 4 inches between
the top surface of the food and the broil element.
"Slow" broiling is best for chicken and ham in
CCoonnvveeccttiioonn BBrrooiill
order to broil food without over-browning it.
((uuppppeerr oovveenn oonnllyy))
Exactly the same as regular broiling with
additional benefit of air circulation by the
motorized fan in the rear of the oven. The cool air
is quickly replaced-improving the already high
performance of the broil element. Especially
useful for broiling thick cuts of meat.
With the selector set to convection cook and the
temperature control on 150 F, warm air is
circulated by a motorized fan in the rear of the
oven. Over a period of time, the water is
removed from the food by evaporation. Removal
of water inhibits growth of microorganisms and
retards the activity of enzymes. It is important to
remember that dehydration does not improve the
quality, so only fresh, top-quality foods should be
With the selector set to convection cook and the
temperature control off, air is circulated by a
motorized fan in the rear of the oven. The fan
accelerates natural defrosting of the food without
heat. To avoid sickness and food waste, do not
allow defrosted food to remain in the oven for
more than two hours.
This oven features a pyrolytic self-cleaning cycle.
During this cycle, the oven reaches elevated
temperatures in order to burn off soils and deposits.
An integral smoke eliminator reduces odors
associated with the soil burn-off. A powder ash
residue is left in the bottom of the oven after
completion of the self-clean cycle. When the oven
has cooled, remove any ash from oven surfaces with
a damp sponge or cloth.
CCoonnvveeccttiioonn DDeehhyyddrraattee
((uuppppeerr oovveenn oonnllyy))
CCoonnvveeccttiioonn DDeeffrroosstt
((uuppppeerr oovveenn oonnllyy))
BBaassiicc FFuunnccttiioonnss ooff YYoouurr OOvveenn
TTwwoo--EElleemmeenntt BBaakkee
Full power heat is radiated from the bake element
in the bottom of the oven cavity, and
supplemental heat is radiated from the broil
element. This function is recommended for single
rack baking and roasting.
Exactly the same as regular baking with the
additional benefit of air circulation. The heated air
is circulated by the motorized fan in the rear of the
oven. It provides more even heat distribution
throughout the oven cavity for all uses. Multiple
rack use is possible for the largest baking jobs.
When roasting, cool air is quickly replaced-searing
meats on the outside and retaining more juices
and natural flavor on the inside with less shrinkage.
The rear element only operates at full power.
There is no direct heat from the bottom or top
elements. Air in the oven cavity is circulated by
the fan for even heating. Use this setting for
foods which require gentle cooking such as
pastries, souffles, yeast breads, quick breads and
cakes. Use this function for single rack baking,
multiple rack baking, roasting, and preparation of
complete meals.
In Maxi-Broil heat is radiated from both broil
elements, located in the top of the oven cavity, at
full power. Broiling speed is determined by the
distance between the foods and the broil
elements. For "fast" broiling, food may be as
close as 2 inches to the broil element or on the
top rack. "Fast" broiling is best for meats where
"rare to medium" doneness is desired. The Mini-
Broil setting is designed for "slow" broiling. Only
the center broil element operates for partial
((uuppppeerr oovveenn oonnllyy))
CCoonnvveeccttiioonn BBaakkee
((uuppppeerr oovveenn oonnllyy))