Thermostat User Guide
The third stage of heating will be turned on when the current temperature falls 3 deg below the current setpoint and will
turn off at the setpoint.
Heat Pump System Type Selection
To set the Thermostat for Heat Pump HVAC operation, change the Type in the Installer Settings – System Settings –
Mechanical Settings menu option to Heatpump.
Changeover Type Selection
Most heat pump systems are designed to work normally in the heating mode and require a change over output for cooling
output. Change the C/O Type in the Installer Settings – System Settings – Mechanical Settings menu option to match your
system needs.
Changeover with Cooling: Set C/O Type to w/Cool (This is the default setting).
Changeover with Heating: Set C/O Type to w/Heat.
Note: During Heat Pump operation the changeover relay, once engaged, will stay on until the opposite HVAC call
Check your HVAC system requirements for correct settings.
Minimum Run Time (MRT)
The thermostat has a Minimum Run Time after the start of any heat or cool call. This minimum run time assures even
heating and cooling cycles. Minimum Run Time will keep the system on even if you change the setpoint to a temperature
that would satisfy the call, until the MRT expires. Changing the Mode to OFF will cancel the MRT and the system will turn
off immediately. MRT can be adjusted in the Installer Settings Menu of the THERMOSTAT.
Minimum Off Time (MOT)
The thermostat has a Minimum Off Time after any heat or cool call. This delay prevents rapid heating/cooling cycles and
also provides “short cycle protection” for compressor calls. This delay may be noticeable when you change a setpoint and
it does not respond immediately due to another call that has recently completed and the MOT delay timer is preventing the
restart of the system. The MOT delay time can be adjusted in the Installer Settings Menu of the THERMOSTAT. There is
a minimum of 5 minutes delay to assure compressor protection.
Note: “WAIT” will be displayed on the thermostat screen while the minimum equipment off time is being enforced.