6 English
Destroys bacteria and
viruses smaller than those
that cause the flu, common
cold and antibiotic-resis-
tant infections.*
Destroys formaldehyde
and other harmful
gases commonly found
in the home.*
Removes 99.97% of
airborne dust and allergens
from the air.**
It is said that trust isn’t given, but earned. For decades Vornado has
been earning the trust of our customers by offering them only the
best. Vornado provides the highest level of performance, coupled
with the highest level of support available. Complete satisfaction with
no exceptions – this is Vornado’s promise to you. If you are not satis-
fied for any reason, please contact us. Knowledgeable representa-
tives are available at 1-800-234-0604 from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM CST. A
wealth of additional support is also available online at
www.vornado.com. On behalf of myself and the entire staff at our
Andover, Kansas headquarters – thank you for selecting Vornado.
Bill Phillips
CEO, Vornado Air
destroys the contaminants that cause poor air
quality in your home. From larger dust particles down to
microscopic molecules, your air purifier provides clean air
at an entirely new level. First, True HEPA filtration eliminates
99.97% of airborne particles* from the air. Next, an advanced
carbon filter adsorbs household odors and harmful gases.
The final step is where Vornado takes clean air to a molecu-
lar level. With silverscreen
technology, remaining harmful
gases and organisms are destroyed.
Destroy What HEPA Can’t Capture
Enhanced HEPA Air Purification
Find our complete product line at www.vornado.com
*Based on multiple tests from independent labs confirming destruction of bacteria (including
Staph and Strep species), viruses, mold and harmful gases.
**0.3 microns or larger.