1. Remove Water Tank from main unit.
2. Holding Water Tank upside-down, unscrew and remove Valve Cap by rotating it in a counter-
clockwise direction (FIGURE 8-A).
3. Fill Water Tank with water through Valve Cap hole. At full capacity, the Water Tank holds 46 oz
(1,360 ml) of water, and will provide a continuous steam time of approximately 50 minutes.
For quick steaming tasks, a smaller amount of water can be used.
NOTE: In order to minimize potential mineral build-up and prolong the life of your
Everyday Fabric Steamer, distilled or de-mineralized water is recommended.
CAUTION: Only water should be used in unit – other chemicals or cleaning agents may
cause internal damage. Do not attempt to substitute any other water tank for the one
designed for use with this unit.
4. Replace Valve Cap by rotating it in a clockwise direction.
5. Place Water Tank back onto main unit (FIGURE 8-B). The sound of water owing from Water
Tank into Water Reservoir should be audible for a short period of time.
NOTE: Water Tank can be removed and relled at any time during operation – there is no
need to turn unit off or allow any cooling period.
IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to operate unit with an empty Water Tank.
Using Your
Everyday Fabric Steamer