6 English
Vornado Whole Room Air Purifiers Feature Precision True
HEPA Calibration
Without properly calibrated airflow, products with a True HEPA
Filter will not achieve their full filtration potential. Gaps, poorly
sealed filter housings, and excessive air velocity all reduce the
effectiveness of the product. Independent testing labratory
verifies that the precise calibration of a Vornado Air Purifier al-
lows it to perform at True HEPA standards.
What is CADR?
CADR stands for "Clean Air Delivery Rate," which indicates the
volume of filtered air delivered by an air purifier. CADR ratings
show the effectiveness of the air purifer at capturing fine par-
ticles. Higher CADR rates indicate improved performance in
all room sizes.
Note: This air cleaner is suggested for use in a single, closed
room up to 220 square feet.
Portable air cleaners will be much more effective in rooms
when all the doors and windows are closed.
Tested per ANSI/AHAM AC-1 National Standard.
Understanding CADRTrue HEPA Filtration