Guarantee claims cannot be considered
- for parts that are subject to wear and tear due to use or other natural wear and tear, as
well as defects in the product that are a result of natural wear and tear, or wear and tear
due to use. This includes in particular cables, valves, packings, nozzles, cylinders, pistons,
means-carrying housing components, lters, pipes, seals, rotors, stators, etc. Damage
due to wear and tear that is caused in particular by sanded coating materials, such as
dispersions, plasters, putties, adhesives, glazes, quartz foundation.
- in the event of errors in devices that are due to non-compliance with the operating
instructions, unsuitable or unprofessional use, incorrect assembly and/or commissioning
by the buyer or by a third party, utilization other than is intended, abnormal ambient
conditions, unsuitable coating materials, the in uence of chemical, electrochemical, or
electrical agents, unsuitable operating conditions, operation with the incorrect mains
voltage supply/frequency, overload, or defective servicing or care and/or cleaning.
- for errors in the device that have been caused by using accessory parts, additional
components, or spare parts that are not original Wagner parts.
- for products to which modi cations or additions have been carried out.
- for products where the serial number has been removed or is illegible.
- for products to which attempts at repairs have been carried out by unauthorized persons.
- for products with slight deviations from the target properties, which are negligible with
regard to the value and usability of the device.
- for products that have been partially or fully taken apart.
The above guarantees apply exclusively to products that have been bought from authorized
specialist shops in the EU, CIS, Australia and are used within the reference country.
If an inspection nds damage not covered by the present guarantee, repairs are carried out
at the expense of the buyer.
The above regulations manage the legal relationship to us concludingly. Additional claims,
in particular for damages and losses of any type, which occur as a result of the product
or its use, are excluded from the product liability act except with regard to the area of
Claims for liability for defects to the specialist trader remain una ected.
German law applies to this guarantee. The contractual language is German. In the event
that the meaning of the German and a foreign text of this guarantee deviate from one
another, the meaning of the German text has priority.
Wagner professional guarantee
(As of 2009-02-01)