Plast Coat 430
Item orDer no. DesIgnatIon
1 0348 241 Automaticspraylance
2 Texturetipsforautomaticspraylance0348241:
0268 779 Texture tip 4
0348 915 Texture tip 5
0268 780 Texture tip 6
0348 916 Texture tip 7
0268 781 Texture tip 8 (standard)
0348 917 Texture tip 9
0268 782 Texture tip 10
0342 327 Texture tip 12
0268 905 Texture tip set 4, 6, 8, 10
3 2310 475 Pneumaticspraylance
4 Texturetipsforpneumaticspraylance2310475
2314 215
2314 216
2314 217
2314 218
2314 219
2315 346
2315 347
2315 348
Texture tip blue (3mm)
Texture tip red (4mm)
Texture tip black (6mm)
Texture tip green (7mm)
Texture tip (8mm)
Texture tip (10mm)
Texture tip (12mm)
5 0342 916 Cleaning needle
6 0342 330 Cleaning ball for DN 19 mm
0342 331 Cleaning ball for DN 25/27 mm
7 0342 329 Bottle brush for cleaning the inside of
8 9992 824 Pump sliding means 500 ml
9 0342 215 Hose holder
10 0342 241 Cleaning adapter M 27 – GK
0348 948 Cleaning adapter M 35 – GK
11 Mortar hose (including air hose and control cable)
2317 758 Mortar hose DN 19 – 2 m,
Connection V 27 – round thread
32 x 1/8
0342 706 Mortar hose DN 19 – 10 m,
Connection V 27
0348 930 Mortar hose DN 19 – 20 m,
Connection V 27
0348 912 Mortar hose DN 27 – 10 m,
Connection V 27
Item orDer no. DesIgnatIon
0348 946 Mortar hose DN 35 – 13,3 m,
Connection V 27
12 0342 314 Fix coupling seal M 27
13 Mortar hose (including air hose)
0342 736 Mortar hose DN 19 – 10 m,
Connection V 27 – M 27
0342 737 Mortar hose DN 27– 10 m,
Connection V 27 – M 27
2316 304 Mortar hose DN 19 – 2 m,
Connection V 27 – round
thread 32 x 1/8
2311 632 Mortar hose DN 25 – 10 m,
Connection V 27 – M 27
14 0342 912 Rendering lance 200 U
15 0268 726 Rendering tip set 14, 16, 18
16 2311 921 Compressor VKM 592, 230 V~, 50 Hz,
suction volume 590 l/min
17 2309 956
2309 960
Large volume container 100 litres incl.
Large volume container 100 litres incl.
lid and bag support with pressing
18 2312 159 Connection kit for large volume con-
19 2308 417 Remote control
20 2309 961 Remote control extension cable 15m
(no picture)
21 2311 692 Controlcableforautomaticspray
lance 14 m (no picture)
22 2312 136 Lubricantformortarhose(Metylan
wallpaper paste) 125g (no picture)
23 0348 960 Ceilingspraylance
plastcoat 430 accessorIes