4 ProSpray3.29•3.31
Safety Regulations
This manual contains information that must be read and understood
before using the equipment. When you come to an area that has one of
the following symbols, pay particular attention and make certain to heed
the safeguard.
• NEVERaimthegunatanypartofthebody.
• NEVERallowanypartofthebodytotouchtheuid
• NEVERputyourhandinfrontofthegun.Gloveswill
not provide protection against an injection injury.
• ALWAYSlocktheguntrigger,shuttheuidpumpoff
and release all pressure before servicing, cleaning
the tip guard, changing tips, or leaving unattended.
Pressure will not be released by turning off the engine.
must be turned to their appropriate positions to relieve
system pressure.
• ALWAYSkeeptipguardinplacewhilespraying.The
tip guard provides some protection but is mainly a
warning device.
• NEVERuseaspraygunwithoutaworkingtriggerlock
and trigger guard in place.
• ALWAYSremovethespraytipbeforeushingor
cleaning the system.
• Thepainthosecandevelopleaksfromwear,kinking
and abuse. A leak can inject material into the skin.
Inspect the hose before each use.
• Allaccessoriesmustberatedatorabovethe
maximum operating pressure range of the sprayer.
This includes spray tips, guns, extensions, and hose.
• Provideextensiveexhaustandfreshairintroduction
to keep the air within the spray area free from
• Avoidallignitionsourcessuchasstaticelectricity
objects, and sparks from connecting and disconnecting
power cords or working light switches.
• Plasticcancausestaticsparks.Neverhangplastic
to enclose spray area. Do not use plastic drop cloths
• Alwaysushunitintoseparatemetalcontainer,atlow
pump pressure, with spray tip removed. Hold gun
prevent static sparks.
• Donotsmokeinsprayarea.
• Fireextinguishermustbepresentandingoodworking
• Placesprayeratleast6.1m(20feet)fromthespray
object in a well ventilated area (add more hose if
necessary). Flammable vapors are often heavier than
air. Floor area must be extremely well ventilated. The
pump contains arcing parts that emit sparks and can
ignite vapors.
• Theequipmentandobjectsinandaroundthespray
area must be properly grounded to prevent static
• Useonlyconductiveorearthedhighpressureuid
hose. Gun must be earthed through hose connections.
• Powercordmustbeconnectedtoagroundedcircuit
(electric units only).
• Theunitmustbeconnectedtoanearthedobject.Use
the green earthing wire to connect the unit to a water
pipe, steel beam, or other electrically earthed surface.
• Followmaterialandsolventmanufacturer’swarnings
MSDS sheet and technical information to ensure safe
• Donotusematerialswithaashpointbelow21°C
can produce enough vapors to ignite.
• Uselowestpossiblepressuretoushequipment.