Hopper Return Tube
Figure 49 - Optional Hopper
4. Screw in the plastic return tube fitting into the paint
pump port that the brass fitting was removed from.
Attach hopper return tube to the fitting where the
suction set return tube was removed. The connec-
tion needs to be only hand tight.
5. Fit the hopper screen into the bottom of the hopper,
being sure it is properly seated.
Cleaning Hopper Unit
To clean the hopper unit:
1. Flush the pump and hose with water or solvent
following the same procedure as with the suction
tube, being sure the return tube is thoroughly flushed
2. Clean the hopper screen with water or appropriate
solvent. If necessary use a nylon or natural bristle
brush dipped in solvent or soapy water.
3. Wash the hopper thoroughly using soapy water
for latex paint, the appropriate solvent with other
The hopper assembly consists of the hopper, hopper
return tube and hopper screen. To make the conversion:
1. Remove suction tube and return tube and brass
return tube fitting from the unit.
2. To convert the cart into its horizontal configuration
as shown in Figure 49, reverse the positions of the
handle and pail bracket.
3. Screw the hopper directly onto the inlet valve where
the suction tube was removed. Make the connection
hand tight, just tight enough to prevent paint leakage
or air suction around the threads.
NOTE: The hopper screen is essential to trap
debris and other foreign objects from entering
the pump. Do not operate the sprayer without
the screen properly in place.