Finish 230 AC Compact 13
Cleanup Maintenance
7.5 Clearing the Spray Hose
1. Turn the pressure control knob counterclockwise to the
minimum pressure setting.
2. TurnthePRIME/SPRAYvalvetoSPRAY.
3. Unlock the spray gun trigger.
4. Carefully trigger the gun with the spray tip removed against
the inside of the material container.
5. Turn the pressure control knob slowly clockwise until material
solvent starts to emerge from the spray gun, release the
6. Change to clean water or solvent and continue circulating for
another 5 minutes to thoroughly clean the hose, pump and
spray gun.
7. Turn the pressure control knob counterclockwise to its lowest
8. TurnthePRIME/SPRAYvalvetoPRIME.
9. Trigger the gun into the water or solvent container to release
10. Lockthegunbyippingthetriggerlockintolockposition
11. Move the pump ON/OFF switch to the OFF position.
7.6 Final Cleanup
1. Remove the hopper assembly or suction set from the inlet
2. Clean the threads of the inlet valve with a damp cloth.
3. Fill the inlet valve with water or with a light household oil.
4. MakesurethatthePRIME/SPRAYvalveissettoPRIMEandthat
the pressure control knob is turned counterclockwise to its
lowest pressure setting.
5. Turn on the pump by moving the pump ON/OFF switch to the
ON position.
6. Increase the pressure by turning the pressure control knob
clockwise 1/2 turn.
7. TurnthePRIME/SPRAYvalvetoSPRAYtodistributetheoil.
Proper cleaning and oiling of the pump after use
are the most important steps to perform to insure
proper operation after storage.
8. Turn the pressure control knob counterclockwise to its lowest
9. TurnthePRIME/SPRAYvalvetoPRIME.
10. Unlock and trigger the gun to remove any pressure that may
still be in the hose.
11. Lockthegunbyippingthetriggerlockintolockposition
12. Turn o the pump by moving the pump ON/OFF switch to the
OFF position
13. Remove the material hose and air hose from the spray gun
using two adjustable wrenches. Refer to the spray gun
14. Wipe the entire unit, hose, and gun with a damp cloth to
remove accumulated paint.
8. Maintenance
Follow these procedures when encountering problems indicated in
the troubleshooting section.
8.1 Removing and Cleaning the Inlet Valve
1. Perform the Pressure Relief Procedure, turn o and unplug the
2. Remove the inlet valve assembly using a 27 millimeter socket
or box end wrench.
3. Test movement of the valve by pushing on it from the open
end of the valve housing with a screwdriver or the eraser end
of a pencil. It should move about 1.5 mm. If it does not move,
it should be cleaned or replaced.
The inlet valve must be oiled after every job. This
will reduce or eliminate priming problems the next
time the unit is used as well as extend the life of the
4. Thoroughly clean the valve assembly with water or the
appropriate solvent. Use a small brush.
5. If the valve has been properly cleaned and water drips out of
the bottom, the valve is worn and needs to be replaced. A
properly seated valve lled with water and held vertically will
not drip.
6. Install a new or cleaned valve in the pump block and then ll
the valve with light oil or solvent.