Problem D: The PRIME/SPRAY knob is set to SPRAY and there is flow through the material return tube
Cause Solution
1. The PRIME/SPRAY valve is dirty or worn Take sprayer to Wagner Authorized Service Center
Problem E: The spray gun leaks
Cause Solution
1. Gun lter housing is loose Tighten handle
2. Internal parts of spray gun are worn or dirty Take sprayer to Wagner Authorized Service Center
Problem F: The spray tip assembly leaks
Cause Solution
1. The spray tip was assembled incorrectly Check tip assembly and assemble properly see page 20, steps 8-9
2. Gun seal is worn Replace the seal*
Problem G: The spray gun will not spray
Cause Solution
1. The spray tip plugged Refer to Clear the Spray Tip see page 13
2. The spray gun lter is clogged Refer to Clean the Spray Gun Filter see page 15. Keep extra lters on hand
3. The spray tip is in CLEAN position Rotate spray tip to SPRAY position see page 13, step 9
4. PRIME/SPRAY knob not set on SPRAY Turn PRIME/SPRAY knob to SPRAY see page 9 Getting Material to Flow
Problem H: The spray pattern is poor (tailing)
Cause Solution
1. The spray tip is plugged Refer to Clear the Spray Tip see page 13
2. The inlet lter is clogged Refer to Clean the Inlet Filter see page 14
3. The spray gun lter is clogged Refer to Clean the Spray Gun Filter see page 15. Keep extra lters on hand
4. The spray tip is worn Replace the spray tip
5. The material is too thick Thin material using appropriate thinning solution
6. Pressure loss Refer to Causes and Solutions for Problem C
Daily Maintenance
The only daily maintenance necessary is thorough cleaning
Follow the cleaning procedures in this manual
* Special repair kits with instructions are available for these procedures. Refer to the Maintenance section of this manual for a list of the kits and their part numbers
** Additional parts are available for this procedure. Refer to the Accessories (page 74) section of this manual for a list of the parts and their part numbers
Extended Maintenance
Some pump parts eventually wear out from use and must be
replaced. The following is a list of available repair kits. Pump
performance is the only reliable indicator of when to replace wear
parts. Refer to the Troubleshooting section for more information
on when to use these kits
Kit Part # Description
0515221 Inlet valve kit
0515237 Outlet valve kit
0501014 Saddle seat/seal kit
Troubleshooting • Fixing Spraying Problems