12 Nm
8.8 lbft
c) Hald the end nut of an outer diphragm disk with a wrench. Loose the end nut of the other diaphragm
disk and remove.
d) Remove the freed diaphragm with its corresponding internal disc, and remove the shaft from the motor
e) Lock the end of the shaft released from the diaphragm in a bench vice (provide soft jaws to avoid
damaging it) and disassemble the external diaphragm disc from the opposite end of the shaft. Then
remove the second diaphragm with its internal disk.
f) Assemble the new diaphragm with its internal disc and properly fasten it to the relevant external disc.
g) Remove the shaft from the bench vice and put it in the motor block. Grease the shaft inside and outside
(beyond the underside of the motor block. Thereby move the shaft in di erent positions. See chapter 11.
h) Mount the inner diaphragm disc, the diaphragm and the outer disc and tighten them properly onto the
nut of the opposite outer discs using two wrenches.
i) Attach the noise reduction and the pressure side cover. Check the correct positioning of the cover and
its seal.
k) Attach the outer diaphragm cover and the manifolds. Ensure correct position of seals of the ball valves
when doing so.
l) Screw on and tighten the cover screws. Tighten the manifold screws. To the directions in chapter 11 apply
the right torque.