The safety requirements for electrostatic hand spraying equipement are laid
down in the following documents: (Germany)
1) ZH 1/250 Electrostatic enamelling with hand-held spraying equipment
(Published by C. Heymanns-Verlag, Cologne)
2) ZH 1/406 Guidelines for jet stream equipment (spraying devices)
(Published by C. Heymanns-Verlag, Cologne)
3) EX-RL/ZH 1/10 Explosion protection guidelines - spraying equipment
(Published by C. Heymanns-Verlag, Cologne)
4) VBG 23 Working with coating materials
(Published by C. Heymanns-Verlag, Cologne)
5) DIN-VDE 0165 Installation of electrical equipment in a potentially explosive
(Published by VDE-Verlag, Berlin)
6) EN 50050/DIN- Electrostatic hand spraying equipment
VDE 0745 Part 100
(Published by VDE-Verlag, Berlin)
7) EN 50053/DIN- Selection, installation and use of electrostatic spraying
VDE 0745 Part 101 equipment - electrostatic hand spraying equipment for combu-
stible liquid spray media
(Published by VDE-Verlag,Berlin)
The following points should receive special attention for the safe use of the
electrostatic spraying equipment:
1.2.1 Caution! Danger of injury by injection
The pressure should be released from the spray gun during breaks in
work or while assembling and dismantling the nozzle. It should be
secured, the control unit switched off, and the plug pulled out. Never
point the gun at yourself or any other person, the spray jet can cause
injury by injection.
Never put your finger or hand in the spray jet.
In case of injury to skin by paint or cleaning agents consult a doctor
immediately. Inform the doctor of the type of paint or cleaning agent
1.2.2 Cleaning
The gun must be switched off when being cleaned and should never be
sprayed in "closed" containers (formation of a gas air/mixture which can
explode). The containers must be earthed.
1.2.3 Safety
Spraying can only be carried out safely, both for people and the environment, if
it is done in a spray booth or in front of a spraying wall with sufficient ventilation
(removal by suction).
In order to avoid occupational illness the safety regulations laid down by the
manufacturer of the paint or cleaning agent used must be adhered to during
preparation and application of the paint and while cleaning the equipment. In
particular, protective clothing, gloves, skin protection cream and breathing
equipment must be used to protect the skin and respiratory tracts.
GM 2000 EAC - EN