2.3.4 Electrostatic effect
The spray gun produces an electrostatic field by means of the high voltage electrode.
As a result, the particles of paint, which have been atomized by the spray gun, are
carried to the earthed object by kinetic and electrostatic energy where they adhere,
finely distributed, to the object being sprayed.
Advantages of
● Very efficient spraying
● Little overspray
● Coating of entire cir-
cumferences due to an
electrostatic field
● Less working time
2.4 What kind of spraying material can be applied?
● Paints containing solvents of the explosion class II A.
● Enamels, primers, textured paints etc., which have a specific resistance of > 50 kΩ
(according to the Wagner or Ransburg scale).
● The effectiveness of the spraying action is always dependant on the composition
of the paint being used, e.g. pigments, resins and solvents.
With highly conductive materials, or those with a very high electrical resistance, the
electrostatic effect does not work so efficiently.
In the case of application problems contact the Wagner branch and the paint producer.
GM 2000 EAC - EN
Charged particles
Grounded object