Aim at a SAFE target:
Hold the airgun so that the rear sight is lined up with the front sight at
the same time. The front sight should be exactly in the center of the
notch of the rear sight. Next raise the airgun so that the lower part of
the bull‘s eye meets the front sight. The upper part of the rear sight,
the upper part of the front sight and the lower part of the target should
be in line (illustration 8.a, sight image). The point of impact can be
adjusted as follows. The rifle is adjusted by the factory to shoot from
a distance of 10 m.
To adjust the elevation of the sight, move the sight by slightly
loosening the screw (illustration 8.b).
With excessively high shots: Move the sight back.
With excessively low shots: Move the sight forward.
Then retighten the screw.
Illustration 8.b Illustration 8.c
To adjust the windage of the sight, it is necessary to move the front
sight (Illustration 8.c):
If the airgun shoots to the right: Move the front sight to the right.
If the airgun shoots to the left: Move the front sight to the left.
too high too low right