PhD Technology - Precision Hydronic Data
An intelligent system that delivers Precision Hydronic heating and hot water
needs while maximizing efciency by measuring and responding to the Data
parameters of your heating system.
PhD Technology is built around proven key components that when combined
make the Ultra the most advanced, reliable and efcient boiler available.
The key components
A negative regulated gas valve that
Precisely delivers gas to the boiler;
A variable speed motor that matches
combustion output to your heating needs;
A venturi mixing body that Precisely mixes
air and gas providing higher efciency;
System intelligence with the Ultra Control
Module which maintains proper, efcient
and Precise Hydronic heat through inputs
of all system Data;
A cast aluminum mono block heat
exchanger designed to operate in low
temperature condensing applications;
Pre-mix stainless steel burner designed
for perfect ring rate modulation,
efciency, clean combustion and quiet
For fast and easy installation, combine an Ultra PLUS
Indirect-Fired Water Heater with your Ultra boiler installation.
Ultra PLUS water heaters come in three sizes:
Combined with an Ultra boiler, the Ultra PLUS water heater
provides more domestic hot water when you need it, while
taking advantage of the extremely high efciency of the Ultra
boiler. A standard feature of the Ultra boiler control module
is domestic hot water priority control, providing quicker
response time for domestic hot water demands, along with
faster recovery times for the hot water tank.
The perfect match for an Ultra boiler is an Ultra PLUS Indirect-
Fired Water Heater.
High Efciency And Environmentally Friendly
All Ultra boilers feature AFUE efciencies in the range of
92.0 - 93.0%. These are some of the highest efciencies in
the industry, however, Ultra boilers, when used in common
low temperature applications have annual efciencies of
98.0%. The Ultra boiler exceeds all of the requirements of
the Department of Energy’s ENERGY STAR program.
Besides being Ultra High Efcient, the Ultra boiler is
environmentally friendly. Through PhD Technology and the
use of our high grade burner, the Ultra boiler produces less
NOx while exceeding all current environmental codes and
is certied by South Coast Air Quality Management District
(Rule 1146.2) in California.
Weil-McLain Boiler
The Weil-McLain Ultra boiler has been designed for easy
installation. The Ultra boiler requires minimal clearance
and minimal oor space, and the same boiler can be
used in oor standing or wall hung applications.
Water and gas piping is conveniently arranged for connection
at the top or bottom of the boiler. In fact, when using the
boiler in a oor standing application, all boiler connections are
on the top of the boiler except for the condensate drain.
The electrical components have been pre-wired and labeled
on separate line voltage and low voltage terminal strips.
Terminal strips are provided for quick and easy eld wiring.
Venting has been simplied by using PVC for both exhaust
and combustion air. Slide the PVC into the top outlet ue
pipe adaptors and tighten the restraining ring. No messy
sealants required. You can even achieve vent runs up to the
equivalent of 100 feet.
The Ultra comes with a side mounted service receptacle on
a separate circuit for use with a condensate pump, service
equipment or service light.
The Ultra boiler is lightweight compared to a conventional
boiler. Side jacket handles are provided for easy handling
along with four adjustable boiler feet for easy placement and
The 4-digit electronic display with
programming buttons and data port make
entering and receiving information very
easy. There are two levels of information:
User Level and Contractor Level. The User
Level is used to: Turn space and DHW
heating “on” or “off”; set space heating
temperature and boiler circulator operation;
display soft and hard lockout codes for easy
troubleshooting. The Contractor Level is
accessible through the use of a special
code that is entered through the front panel
or with a computer interface control kit and a
laptop computer. This access can be used
to customize the Ultra boiler to each specic
job application. Adjustments can be made
for high altitude, outdoor reset, boost timing
and much more...
The cast aluminum heat exchanger features
a mono block design. This low mass heat
exchanger heats faster, providing heat to the
system quicker. This aluminum block has
been specically designed to work in low
return temperature applications in condensing
The blower, gas valve and venturi all work
in concert to provide the proper fuel and air
mixture for precise combustion. The blower
pulls in air and gas through the venturi. The
air and gas mix inside the blower and are
pushed into the burner for combustion. The
gas valve senses suction from the blower,
allowing gas to ow only if combustion air is
owing and proper combustion is achieved.
The Ultra Control Module, a microprocessor
electronic control, responds to signals
from the room thermostat, supply water
temperature sensor, return water temperature
sensor, ue temperature sensor, domestic hot
water aquastat, summer/winter switch and
outdoor temperature sensor. The module
automatically adjusts blower speed and gas
ow rate to modulate boiler ring rate to closely
match boiler output for space heating or DHW
heating demand.
High grade stainless steel burner with woven
steel ber mesh. Burner uses pre-mixed
air and gas providing for a 20% to 100%
modulating ring rate. The Ultra burner
features long life, quiet operation, high
efciency and cleaner combustion for low
NOx applications.