NEVER place any type of cover onto the Fondue Pot when heating oil or cooking
foods in oil.
ALWAYS remove water or ice crystals from foods before cooking by blotting dry with
paper toweling. This will prevent excess spattering and foaming of oil.
ALWAYS trim any excess fat from meat and allow cut meat to stand at room
temperature for 30 minutes before cooking. Blot dry before cooking.
If the fork ring is included with the Fondue Pot, place securely on the top edge of the
pot. Gently place individual forks containing bite-size pieces of food into the hot oil.
Always use the fondue forks to place foods into the oil. Do not drop foods into the
oil. Rest forks in the slots of the fork ring or on the edge of the pot. When foods are
cooked to the desired doneness, remove by grasping the handle of the fork.
Exercise caution, as the metal shaft and fork will be hot.
ALWAYS use the 375ºF/191ºC heat setting for meat fondue. The oil will be
maintained at a suitable frying temperature and will not overheat. Preheat time is
about 10 to 12 minutes or until signal light on heat control goes out.
Do not carry the Fondue Pot when it contains hot oil. Allow oil to cool before moving
the Fondue Pot.
After using, turn the Fondue Pot to the “OFF” setting, unplug the cord from the
electrical outlet and allow to cool before moving. If the Fondue Pot must be moved
prior to cooling, first remove the heat control using caution, as portions of the heat
control may be hot.
Discard the oil from the Fondue Pot after it has cooled. Do not reuse the oil.
NEVER leave the Fondue Pot unattended or plugged into an electrical outlet when
not in use.
Fondue Bourguignonne
½ pound beef tenderloin or sirloin steak per person
3½ cups vegetable oil
1. Trim all fat from the beef and cut into 1-inch cubes. Each pound of meat yields
about 30 cubes.
2. Let the meat stand at room temperature for 30 minutes before serving. Blot
completely dry with paper toweling. Place the cubes onto a lettuce or parsley
lined platter if desired.
3. Pour oil into the Fondue Pot and place on the counter or table where it will be
used. Place the fork ring, if included securely on the pot.
4. Heat oil at 375ºF/191ºC setting until signal light goes out, about 10 to 12
5. For serving, spear one cube of beef onto each fondue fork and gently place into
hot oil. Rest forks in fork ring slots if included, or on edge of pot while cooking.
Do not use more than 8 fondue forks at one time. Cook until meat is brown and
cooked to desired doneness, about 30 seconds for rare, 45 seconds for medium
and 60 seconds for well done.
6. When cooked, remove the forks by grasping the handle, transfer to a plate and
remove the meat. Serve with desired sauce. Repeat fondue procedure.
7. After the meat is cooked, turn the Fondue Pot to “OFF,” unplug the cord from
the electrical outlet and allow to cool before moving.