High Efficiency Downflow 90+ Gas Furnace
Direct vent; draft inducer; pressure switch; redundant main gas control; hot-surface ignition; timed ON/OFF blower controls
(TDR); 40VA transformer for air conditioner application; limit controls; direct drive motor; all models can be converted to
use L.P. (propane) gas. Factory approved kits
must be used and are available as an optional accessory from your
NORDYNE distributor.
Note: All models are 115V, 60 Hz. Gas Connections are 1/2" N.P.T. AFUE = Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency
(a) Ratings to 2,000 ft. Over 2,000 ft. reduce 4% for each 1,000 ft. above sea level.
Solid state integrated control
monitors the burner flame
and limit circuit continuously.
Blower timing has adjustable
OFF settings. Provides
humidifier and electronic air
cleaner connections.
Electrical 2 x 4 junction box can
be moved outside of cabinet
for disconnect.
Vent switch protects against
blocked flue.
Pressure switch assures
proper operation of the
induced draft system.
Multi-speed PSC motor/
blower provides quiet
airflow, reliable operation
and is installed on a slide-out
Counterflow heat exchanger
orientation and aluminized
steel tubular design, means
improved efficiency and
Induced draft blower
provides quiet and
reliable operation.
Remote flame sensor
for proof of flame
carry-over. (Not Shown).
Roll-out switch.
Aluminized steel in-shot
burners, hot surface ignitor
and redundant gas valve
provide safe, reliable ignition
and efficient
Supply air limit.
Factory installed drain
for reliable performance.
FG6RL MODEL NUMBERS: -040C-12A -060C-12A -080C-16B -100C-16B -120C-20C
Input-Btuh (a) 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000
Heating Capacity - Btuh 36,000 56,000 74,000 93,000 112,000
AFUE 90+ 92.1 92.1 92.1 92.1
Blower D x W 10 x 6 10 x 6 10 x 10 10 x 10 11 x 10
Motor H.P. -Speed -Type 1/3 - 3 - PSC 1/3 - 3 - PSC 1/2 - 4 -PSC 1/2 - 4 -PSC 3/4 - 4 -PSC
Motor FLA 7.0 7.0 9.0 9.0 11.1
Maximum Ext. SP - In. W.C. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Temperature Rise Range - °F 35 - 65 40 - 70 45 - 75 50 - 80 45 - 75