Freezing Vegetables ~ Freeze c’r0~
fresh -,gr
quality vegetables picked u’i-e- 3crel’f mature
For Des? results freeze ~2 more ‘7~’ 2 tc 3 q3u’s
after p cklng Viosp #rS
cold tijoter SY+ snd cut IF’C
opproprlate sizes Bioncn or scolI POCK in recorr-
-nended contaNner ona freeze
DC rot freeze lettuce celerv, co-:x* SWKS DJto-
toes or fresh twna+oes Al
.uill axor-e
limp 3r
musb~ Torratces
collause \h ?efN thostiea
Freezing Meats - The met: \. i +rc A ~i=r# :I’ ‘,
be OS good as the ?leat yoL ‘reeze DrdgstorF‘-
,-sop 8p Teal-:,ze packages F 07 cu*j or Dc+tles
should b’e ,wapped Irdlv~duoll, -r ‘-’ ayers seco~
wteti by a iouble +/7ickness c‘f freezer .trop
Make wrestxe >.Arrcpp8rIgs ore Tolsture ora .c~
por proof If -Iot re-‘,A:rop rec+s .A. ** cre 2f “2
drops reco?7m8spdea ‘Jncier psc? cglrg
Freezing Cooked Food
~ PreDare ccakea
foods as {ou
.~mci for the tar,le snar’er, cookirIg
‘~~e10ts~5m~rutestoollo~~ foro3d~‘~orlcl cooking
dur’rg reheatlrg Omit seasonirgs act par+ of tt’e
PIor to add ‘hem a+ reheatlrg t me Pota
toes s~oulo
alsa be adcie=! lc soup ard steti at
-leatlrg +iTe Wd
and cheese *oppings at
?ec*irg time
C3ol as ropl c \i OS GOSS ble ord freeze at 2nce
?iculd or ser -lIauld dishes rnav be frozer n ret-
?m~endeu contaNners wtp me=:: zsxe Cosser
3les one ather more solld ‘oocis rray be frozen
boki-g cortotrser If y~~u dor + Ll,orlt tc leave
cossero e dish r
the freeier ‘sqe it \N ‘p foil
Bake c-a3 freeze ‘lft aut ‘he to 1 txockage nog
o-,d ,etLrr +c ‘-ee:er