
Amount of Detergent to Use
Prop er Use of Deterg ent
Use only deterge nt specifical lym a de for the us ei n dish was her s. Keep your det ergent fresh and dry.
Don't putpowdereddetergent into the dispenseruntil you're ready towash dishes.
Dishwash er detergent is corrosi ve! Ta ke care to keep it out of reach of c hildren.
Basedon their chemical composition, detergentscan be split in two basic types:
The use of normal washingprograms incombinationwith concentrated detergents
redu ces poll utio n and is good for your dish es ; these wash p rog ram s are spec ifically mat che d
to t he di rt-di ssol ving pro pe rt ies o f the enz ymes of the con cent rate d de terg ent. For this reas on
normal wash programsin which concentrated detergentsareusedcanachievethe same
resultsthat canotherwise onlybe achieved using intensive programs.
Detergenttablets ofdifferent brands dissolve at differentspeeds. Forthis reason some
dete rgent tablets can not diss olve an d dev el op the ir fu ll cle anin g po wer dur ing s hort
prog rams. There fore plea se u se l ong prog ram s wh en usin g deterg ent t able ts, t o
ensu r e the c om pl ete re mova l of d e ter g e n t re si du al s.
Th e disp enser must be refille d before the star t of each was h cycle f ollowi ng the inst ructi ons
provided in t he w ash cycle ta ble . You r dis hwa sher uses less de tergent an d rins e aid tha n
Conventional dishwasher.Generally,only one tablespoon of detergent is needed for
anormal wash load. Moreheavily soileditems needmore detergent.Always addthe
dete rgen t jus t be fore star ting the dishwasher, othe rwis e it coul dg e t damp a nd w ill n ot
di s sol v e properly.
Concentrated Detergent
Detergent Tablets
Detergent Dispenser
Always add the deterg ent just b efore start ing each wash cycle.
Only use branded detergent aidfor dishwasher.
If the lid is close d: press rele ase butt on.T he lid will sp ring ope n.
conventional, alkalinedetergents with caustic components
l ow alkaline conc entrat ed d eter ge nts wi th nat ura l enzymes
Normally new pu lver ised detergent is with out phos ph ate. Thus the wate r soften er fu nction of
phos ph ate is not gi ve n. In th is c a se we re com m e nd t o fi ll s al t in th e salt co nt a in er e ven when
the hardness of water is o nly 6 d H. If de te rg ents witho ut phosphate are use d in the case of hard wat er
often white spot s app ear on d ishe s and glasses. In this case pl ease add mo re detergent to reach
bett er r esults. D ete rgents wit h out chl or ine do on ly bl e ach a little. Stro ng a nd c ol o u red sp o t s w i ll no t
be removed com plete ly.I n this ca se pleas e ch oos ea program with a higher te mperature .