
Cutlery Basket
For washing in th e dishw ashe r the fol lowing cutl ery/dishe s
Cutle ry with wooden, horn china or
mothe r-of-pe arl ha ndles
Plas tic item s t hat ar e not h eat re sistan t
Older cutle ry with glued p arts t hat ar e not
temperature resistant
Bonded cutlery items or dishes
Pewte r or c ooper i tems
Crystal glass
Steel items su bject to rusting
Wooden platters
Items made from synthetic fibres
Do n ot put in items that are dirty o f cig arette a sh, c and le w ax, lacq uer or p aint.
If you buy new dishes please make s ure that they are suitab le for d ishwashe rs.
Some ty pes of g lass es c an b ecome
dull after a large number of washes
Si l ver a nd alu minum pa rt s hav e a
tendenc y to discolou r du ring w ashin g
Glazed pa tter n s m a y f a d e i f mac h in e
was he d frequen tly
Pl eas e d o not overload you r d is hwa sher. Th er e is o n l y s pa ce f or 9 st an dard d i s he s . D o n o t
us e dish that is no t suitabl e for dish wa shers . This i s importa nt f or good resu lts a nd for
reasonableenergy consume.
B efore lo ading the dis hes, you sho uld:
Removelarge left-over
S ofte n re mnants of bu rnt food in pa ns
Dishes and cutlery mustnotimpede therotation of thespray arms
Lo ad holl ow i tems suc h as cup s, glass es, p ans etc. with the opening downw ards s o that
w ater can not colle ct in the con tain er or a deep b ase
Are not suitable
Are of limited suitability
Loading cutlery and dishes
When loading the dishes and cutlery, please note:
Cutlery shoul d b e placed in the cut ler y basket wit h the h andles a t the bottom . If the rack has s ide b askets, the
spoons s hould be loade d sep arat ely into the ap pr opri ate sl ots , especi ally l ong utensi ls sho uld be pl aced i n t he
horizont al po sition at the f ron t of the u ppe r basket a s s how n in the pi cture.
Alwa ys load s harp utensils with the sharp
poin t down!
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1. Tea spoons
2. Dessert spoons
3. Soup spoons
4. Forks
5. Knives
6. Serving forks
7. Serving spoons
Do not le ave any item e x tend th ro ugh bot tom .
Knives and other utensils with sharp points
must be loaded i n th eba sket with the ir poi nts
dow n or plac ed i n an hor izo nt al p osit ion .
It is dangerous to openthe door when washing, because the hot water may be scalded to you. The door should not be