4. If you have a problem*...
Call our COOL-LINE service assistance telephone
-If you must
or write,
provide: model
number (see Step 2) and talk with one of our Consul-
number, serial number, date of purchase. and a
tants, or if you prefer, write to:
complete description of the problem. This informa-
Mr Guy Turner, Vice President
tlon is needed in order to better respond to your
Whirlpool Corporation
request for assistance.
Administrative Center
2000 US-33 North
Benton Harbor, Ml 49022
Sedan Harbor. Michigan. Automatic Washers, Clothes Dryers,
Freezrrs, Ilelri~ratrr-Freezers. Ice Makers, Dishwashers.
kilt-in Ovens and Suriace Units. Ranges. Microwave Ovens.
Compaclsrs. Room Air Condilioners, Oehumidifiers. Cenlral
HeatinS and Air CmdilioninS Systems.
Part No. 728130 Rev A
Ol984 Whirlpool Corporation
Making your world a little easier.
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