4 English
1 Grounded outlet
2 Grounded outlet Box
3 Grounded Pin
Safe operation is in the responsibility of the
The operator shall be familiar with the opera-
tion and function of all controls and instru-
ments before undertaking to operate the
Before operating the unit, operators shall
have read and be familiar with the operator’s
manual for the particular unit being operated
and they shall also abide by the safety rules
and practices in the following paragraphs.
Before operating any unit, the operator shall
be familiar with unusual operating conditions
which may require additional safety precau-
tions or special operating instructions.
Before starting to operate the unit be in ope-
rating position.
Do not start or operate the unit, any of its
functions or attachments, from any place
other than from the designated operators
Before leaving the operator’s position:
A bring the unit to a complete stop;
B if the unit must be on an incline, block the
Maintain a safe distance from the edge of
ramps, platforms, and other similar working
Do not add to, or modify the unit.
Do not block access to fire aisles, stairways
or fire equipment.
Yield the right of way to pedestrians and
emergency vehicles such as ambulances
and fire trucks.
Cross railroad tracks at an angle wherever
possible. Do not park closer than 6 ft (1800
mm) to the nearest rail of a railroad track.
Keep a clear view of the path of travel and
observe for other traffic, personnel, and safe
Under all travel conditions, operate the unit
at a speed that will pernit it to be brought to
a stop in a safe manner.
Do not indulge in stunt driving or horseplay.
Slow down for wet and slippery floors.
Before driving over a dockboard or bridge
plate, be sure that it is properly secured.
Drive carefully and slowly across the dock-
board or bridge plate, and never exceed its
rated capacity.
When negotiating turns, reduce speed to a
safe level consistent with the operating envi-
ronment. Make the turns smoothly.
If the unit is found to be in need of repair or
in any way unsafe, or contributes to an un-
safe condition, the matter shall be reported
immediately to the user’s designated autho-
rity, and the unit shall not be operated until it
has been restored to safe operating conditi-
If during operation the unit becomes unsafe
in any way, the matter shall be reported im-
mediately to the user’s designated authority,
and the unit shall not be operated until it has
been restored to safe operating condition.
Do not make repairs or adjustments unless
specifically authorized to do so.
Operator Responsibility
Operator care of the unit