SABER/STRIDE II 28/34 98570 5/1/98
View: Side view of machine
Year of Construction: 1998
Nominal Power: 2.88 kW
Mass: 850kg
Rated Voltage: 36VDC
Rated Amperage: 80 amps
Cleaning Path: 28” (2 x 14”) S28, QQS28
34” (2 x 17”) S34, QQS34
34” (CYL) S34SP, QQS34SP
Drive Motor: .5 hp
Brush Motor: .75 hp
Brush Pressure: 0-200 lbs.
Brush Speed: 200 rpm
Solution Control: Gravity feed, fully variable with
automatic shut-off in neutral.
Solution Tank: 33 gal.
Recovery Tank: 33 gal.
Electrical System: 36 volt, 6 x 6 volt 250-350 A/H
Tires: 12” pneumatic
Dimensions: (LxWxH) 69” x 36” x 45”
Special NOTES:
The sound pressure level at the operator’s ear was measured
to be 74 dBA. This was a nearfield, broad-band measurement
taken in a typical industrial environment on a tile floor. This
appliance contains no possible source of impact noise. The
instaneous sound pressure level is below 63 Pa.
The weighted root mean square acceleration at the operator’s
arms was measured to be below 2.5 m/s. This was a tri-axial,
third-octive-band measurement made during normal operation
on a composite tile floor. The measurement and related calcu-
lations were made in accordance with ANSI S3.34-1986.