3. Use the first piece of wood as an
offset to make the next cut. Lay the
first piece on the table with the dado
cut straddling the dovetail bar. Lay
another 3/4" piece of wood on its
edge next to the first piece and run it
through router bit. This makes the
rabbet cut. See Figure 50.
3. Set up router, bar and bit in the
same configuration as for
dovetail/box joints (see page 39).
4. Clamp pieces of wood together.
Run through router on each side.
Sides come out even every time.
See Figure 52.
4. Assemble the two pieces of wood to
make joint.
Box Construction
In constructing a box shape, for a
drawer, for example, you will want to
make sure all four sides are even in
height; that is, the joints are located in
exactly the same location on each piece
of wood.
1. Use a piece of scrap wood to make a
3/8" or 1/4" dado cut along length of
2. Place the 4 pieces of wood you will
be using for the sides of the box on
the piece of wood on which you just
made the dado cut: two in the slots
and two in the spaces between the
slots. This places the offset on each
piece exactly in the same location.
See Figure 51.
Figure 50
Figure 52
Figure 51