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Whole House Music mode links all zones to share source selection functionality so that the whole
house listens to the same source. Any Keypad in any zone can initiate WHM model. Volume, Mute,
and Tone settings remain independent for each zone, but the source selection remains linked. When
WHM is deactivated (from any keypad in the system) all zones remain on at current volume levels
and source selection, but are unlinked and regain independent source selection capabilities.
All Keypads are defaulted to being included in WHM mode. See “Do Not Disturb” for instructions on
how to disable this functionality in a particular zone.
During normal usage, a “WHM” icon will appear if Whole House Music is active.
The settings for this control can be adjusted from ON to OFF only.
Do No Disturb excludes a zone from Whole House Mode and Page / Doorbell functions.
During normal usage, a “DND” icon will appear if Do Not Disturb is active.
The settings for this control can be adjusted from ON to OFF only.