2–16 975-0402-01-01
This guide for use by qualified installers only
Installing DC Wiring
The procedure for installing the DC wiring applies to a single
battery, as well as multiple batteries or battery banks.
1. Plan the route that the DC wires will follow, keeping it as
short as possible. Measure and cut the required wire
length, after allowing some extra length for connections
and to provide slack in the wires for strain relief.
2. Identify the positive wires, by using color-coded wire, or
by marking both ends of the wire with colored tape, or
similar kind of marking. Repeat with a different color for
the negative. Most installation codes recommend
coloring the positive red and the negative black.
3. Install a DC circuit breaker or fused disconnect in each
positive cable that is as close to the battery positive
terminal as possible.
Consult your local electrical codes regarding the distance
allowed between the battery and the fuse or breaker. For
example, for most situations ABYC standard E-11
requires no more than 7 inches (17.8 cm). Be sure the
breaker or fused disconnect is open.
4. Route the wiring to the batteries and to the Truecharge™
2 Battery Charger. Avoid routing wiring through an
electrical distribution panel, battery isolator, or other
device that will add voltage drops.
WARNING: Energy and explosion hazard
To help prevent accidental shorts or sparks, leave the DC
disconnects or breakers in the Off position or DC fuses removed
from their fuse holders until installation is complete.
You may find it helpful to label each cable,
associating it with the battery bank it is connected to. For
example, bank 1 (–), bank 1 (+), bank 2 (–), and so on.