The LINK 2000 uses a microprocessor to perform all of its calculations and
functions. We have worked very hard to ensure a stable, trouble-free product. However,
like all computer products, the unit is sometimes susceptible to power supply dips or surges
that can cause erratic behavior or memory errors. If you detect a problem, please use the
following procedure to reset the microprocessor—you may also need to reset the memory
to the factory defaults as described on the next page. If you reset to factory defaults be sure
and set up appropriate values for battery capacity, battery type, ambient temperature, and
Peukert's exponent as previously described. Please read the entire instruction set before
beginning the procedure.
1) Disconnect from shorepower.
2) De-power the meter by removing the fuse from the red wire. If the red wire
is jumpered to the blue or violet wires, remove the fuses in the appropriate wire
to remove power to the unit. If your meter is an alternator regulator model you
can de-power the meter by removing the gray ribbon cable from the monitor
terminal board and reconnecting it.
3) Wait at least 30 seconds before reconnecting the fuse (or the ribbon cable).
When the fuse is reconnected use a continuous motion. If the meter is
intermittently powered and de-powered several times in a short period, the
microprocessor may lock up.
4) Press the INVERT and CHARGE buttons so that their LEDs are illuminated.
5) Restore shorepower. After a few seconds you should see the AC STATUS
light illuminate and the charge status lights come on indicating the CHARGE
mode. (If the battery is full the CHARGE light will only be on for a short time
before the Accept LED comes on.)
6) Check to see that your battery capacity, battery type, ambient temperature,
Peukert's exponent, charged voltage parameter, and any other values you
might have previously set up are still correct. If they are, end here; if not, change
them to the appropriate values or follow the procedure on the next page for
resetting to factory values.